A Beginner’s Guide to Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs)

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As a versatile tax wrapper allowing new and experienced investors alike to save without having to pay tax on any interest or capital gains, Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs) are among the most popular products for individuals looking to save their money effectively.

And with interest rates now beginning to fall, it’s more important than ever that people get their hard-earned money working as hard as possible for them.

So, to separate fact from fiction, we’ve put together our new guide to Individual Savings Accounts – packed with simple, no-nonsense info about making the most of the tax and appreciation benefits ISAs can offer.


In our exclusive new guide from Eadon & Co’s investment specialists, you’ll learn:

  • Why ISAs are such popular investment vehicles
  • The differences between standard vs flexible ISAs
  • The advantages of ISA investing over simply having your money in the bank
  • How compound interest can help grow your fund value faster over time


Get your copy – click here or the button below to download:

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*The price and value of any investments and any income from them can fluctuate and may fall, so you may get back less than the amount you invested. Rules for Lifetime ISAs may differ.

This information is for education purposes only – it does not constitute financial advice and should not be acted upon without taking professional advice.


If you feel investing your funds in a Stocks & Shares ISA could be right for you, get in touch below for a no-obligation introductory chat with our financial experts:



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